India Insight with Sunny Sharma
Join host Sunny Sharma on discussions with his elder, informative, and insightful cousins Abhishek Kasid (Vinni), Ranjan Wali (Tinku), and others with informative conversations on Indian and American history, politics, spirituality, philosophy, news and everything in between. I also do standalone podcasts on various historical and political topics.
India Insight with Sunny Sharma
Why did the American Founding Fathers not trust Factions and Political Parties? Part 1
For the first episode of season 8 I explain that despite the fact that the American founding fathers were not party men, the Constitution in many ways facilitates the rise of parties and factions. This was the genius of Madison; creating a system of checks and balances whereby special interests would inevitably develop, but "ambition would counter ambition" ensuring that enterprising men would not take advantage of the majority nor the majority take advantage of the minority.
I examine many of the most relevant warnings the American founding fathers, especially the Architect of the American Constitution James Madison, gave about factions and political parties and why they are certainly still relevant today.
If you enjoyed this episode please follow and subscribe to my podcast for future standalone episodes on Indian and American history, news, and politics as well as discussions I have with my two elder, insightful, and informative cousins who live in India Vinni and Tinku.
I will be releasing a part 2 to complement this discussion on the dangers of factions and political parties where I outline some of the reasons why modern-day society has become so partisan while also advising some potential solutions to the problem of parties in America.
Supporting my podcast encourages me to make new episodes so if you enjoy what I'm producing please follow and share with others.